When was the last time you actually mailed something ?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I think I've sent out like one piece of mail in the last 6 months.

I stopped Christmas cards last year.

Former postal worker, BTW !

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
2 days ago I mailed my payment for the Survivor league. I might mail 2 letters per week usually.

But I do ship out about 20 packages a week, but that doesnt count

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
It's really rare for me to need to mail anything anymore.

I'd rather call my 90 year uncle at Christmas and talk to him ( in person , so to speak) and see if he is still kickin' instead of seeing if he sends me a card in his shaky handwriting, after I send him one....even better take him out to dinner....but then it becomes a party of 16 with his sons, etc.,,,I can't host that tab.

I don't send out X-mas cards no more. I'm an atheist , but that is not why I stopped the cards. They are just antiquated....and also somewhat hypocritic for me, but I'm not somebody that goes around and says ....THERE IS NO GOD !

I can email or telephone greetings to folks for free, and I do want the USPS to fail.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
2 days ago I mailed my payment for the Survivor league. I might mail 2 letters per week usually.

But I do ship out about 20 packages a week, but that doesnt count

I think that is above average mail usage for a computer literate person, but you have your reasons.

same thing with a check, I usually write one a month ( condo fees).

don't invest in check printing companies !

200 checks can last 10+ years !
Jan 19, 2006
Most of the time Cards or stuff I sell on Ebay.. I write some of my "older" relatives a letter every now and then.

Much less then lets say 10-15yrs ago. Post office loses a ton of money!!!

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
It pisses me off to have to mail anything, these days ! I wasn't fired from the USPS, I resigned....the shit got too deep, bad mistake on my part....I'd love that $20+ hr job with a pension and benies back these days !

I quit in I think nov 2002, when sportsbook bonuses awesome and there were correlated parlays and Neteller, just the peak of it when you could make tons so easily with half a brain !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Most of the time Cards or stuff I sell on Ebay.. I write some of my "older" relatives a letter every now and then.

Much less then lets say 10-15yrs ago. Post office loses a ton of money!!!

Why not just call these older people ?

When I was a wee laddie in the 70's long distance was expensive.

Today it doesn't matter, at least within the 48 states, normally.

call or e-mail , old folks should at least have a phone.

Writing a letter is so old fashioned, I won't do it anymore....unless it is for legal reasons ( rare).

Gabe, call uncle Fred ( or whatever) instead of the letter .

Mar 2, 2006
I can't remember the last time i actually wrote a letter. Probably H.S. to a girl i would guess.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I had a boss ( Graveyard shift) at USPS, he was just like Michael on "The Office".

I often did a job that needed to be done quickly so others could do their jobs, this fucking gnat of a boss always pestered me , often inane talk about the Redsox...I'm like please go away Casey ( Michael), and let me fucking do my job !....go talk to somebody that has nothing to do !....plenty of them there.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
my water bill is quarterly and I do that over the phone ( e check). I don't do any bills automatically, I want to see the charges before I approve them....The only manual one for me is the Association monthly fee, but I hand deliver that check, drop it in a basket at the treasurer' s unit front door.

seems like those could be done without a check and stamp, Taylor 13 ? Monthly water is a bit extreme....should be some online option to pay it for free.

House payment should be able to be converted to electronic....and at your control

if you gonna be late, fine , you didn't authorize it !

don't authorize automatic withdrawal. do the one time shit every month !

don't buy stamps and write checks and mail them, it's not 1985 fucking ehh !

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
mailing checks for bills is rather 1999 stuff, IMO....and I'm no tech guru, !

The only one I pay via check is the condo fees, I think I said that before.

Well the property taxes too, every 6 months.....

New member
Feb 10, 2006
It's really rare for me to need to mail anything anymore.

I'd rather call my 90 year uncle at Christmas and talk to him ( in person , so to speak) and see if he is still kickin' instead of seeing if he sends me a card in his shaky handwriting, after I send him one....even better take him out to dinner....but then it becomes a party of 16 with his sons, etc.,,,I can't host that tab.

I don't send out X-mas cards no more. I'm an atheist , but that is not why I stopped the cards. They are just antiquated....and also somewhat hypocritic for me, but I'm not somebody that goes around and says ....THERE IS NO GOD !

I can email or telephone greetings to folks for free, and I do want the USPS to fail.

I know atheist supposedly doesnt strictly mean absolutely no belief in God...the whole burrden of proof thing..but to me it seems hip now to use the term atheist rather than agnostc ? Not trying to be confrontational but seriously.. curious..is it a resurgence of Crowley thing ? Just seems agnostic is the better 'term' for it by definition. Or does atheist truly mean absolute dis-belief objective God or even pantheistic meaning of 'God' ?

New member
Feb 10, 2006
I guess my question, in your opinion.. is what is difference in an 'atheist' who doesnt necessarily think (or says) there is no god..as opposed to being an 'agnostic'...the terminology and difference between the two ? .. Is atheist complete disbelief in an afterlife?

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
an "agnostic" is an Atheist that lacks the balls to state that the Bible stuff is complete BS.

I used to say I was an Agnostic, I know say I'm an Atheist.

To me the fairy tales in the Bible are just that.

I would call GOD an alien by definition, I believe in ET's ( so to speak) , but not the Christian ( or other ) BS in the Bible, Koran, etc.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
My mortgage gets mailed every month.

My mortgage company charges 15 dollars for payment made via telephone, which is ludicrous, I have called them out on this 15 dollar fee numerous times, telling them, they are like the only institution left in the world that charges a fee for such method of payment , they do not care.

My auto insurance is the only bill that is recurring, Geiko, who I like, takes their cut on the 5th of every month.

Cable gets paid on the 25th via telephone, little faster over the phone then to do it online.

My dopey Condo association still lives in the stone age, they are not equipped to receive e payments, those dues I have to mail.

Hell, even my dad just sent my birthday check directly to my checking account, I do not even get those in the mail anymore.

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